



  • Start breathing Healthy Air instantly.
  • Helps to ease breathing related problems.
  • Escape from breathing the polluted Air.

Breathable Air conversion Technology

Drop the Breathe Happy Crystal Ball into a Vaporizer/Diffuser/Kettle and fill it with water.  Now plug in the same and start breathing easily. Happy breathing will follow. What comes out as a stream, carries the required beneficial frequency , which facilitates an easy breathing, by cleansing the polluted Air.


Breathe Easy Crystal Ball is impregnated with a specific desired Frequency, using our proprietary ‘Frequency Embedding Technology’ which helps to release an AIR, which facilitates easy and happy breathing. 

Life of the Breathe Happy Crystal Ball is Minimum 1 year from first use.

Note: This is not a Medical Product and No Medical cures are claimed.

Product conceived and created by Portoworld, Chennai, INDIA and ISO 9001:2015 certified company.
Enjoy your Every Breathe!!!






Mr. Gurpreet Singh, Businessman, Machhiwara, Punjab

I am residing nearer to a place where a highly polluting industry is located. Smoke emission from the factory used to engulf our house every day. W ...

Dr. Gnana Kumaran, M.D (A.M) Medical Practitioner & Wellness Consultant:

Breathe Happy Crystal Ball, is a sensational ball, as it provides immediate relief to the people who are suffering from breathing problems, either ...

Mr. Surya Narayan Patra, Bhuvaneshvar, Orissa

We use this ball in our A/c Bedroom for 1 or 2 hours and we feel fresh for the whole night. I am very happy with this product and I have gifted thi ...

Dr. Mohd. Shadhab, M.D (A.M), Chakra Clinic, Chennai

I have been recommending this Breathe Happy Crystal Ball to my patients, who suffer from Asthma, Sinus, blocked nose etc., They all report, easie ...


How long one can use this ball?

Carbon Emissions and pollutions are ever present. Therefore one needs to use this ball, whenever you want to breathe easy inside the house or in office.

How safe is this Ball?

Since No extraneous substances are physically added to the water, what comes out of the Vaporizer is only a stream, carrying the desired beneficial frequency only. Therefore it is safe.

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  • H6A, Krupa Colony, First Avenue, Ashok Nagar,

  • Chennai - 600 083, Tamil Nadu, India.

  • +91 44 42033766
