

HEETGON Mobile Radiation Shield


  • HeetGon reduces Mobile, Laptop radiation by more than 90%.
  • HeetGon reduces heating of the mobile , Laptop by more than 80%.
  • Heetgon enjoys 100s of Clinical certifications from accredited Labs.


HeetGon reduces heat by a significant 80% to 90% as experienced,enjoyed and certified by many actual users around the world. Now for a change, enjoy long hours of working on a Laptop & talking in a Mobile Phone with the heat emission from them becoming insignificant & harmless, just by sticking HeatGon. Besides HeetGon shields Electro Magnetic Radiation upto 94.8% as certified by CIEMS, USA.

Laptop or Mobile Phone heating is no longer a worry when you stick HeetGon.

How to use?

Stick HeetGon on the backside of your Laptop at 3 to 5 places where heat emission is higher.
Stick 1 piece of HeetGon on the back side of your Mobile Phone.


Researchers see skin danger & infertility from Hot Laptops & Hearing lmpairment from Hot Mobile Phones.

Have you ever worked on your laptop computer with it sitting on your lap, heating up your legs? If so, you might want to rethink that habit.

Doing it a lot can lead to "toasted skin syndrome," an unusual-looking mottled skin condition caused by long-term heat exposure, according to medical reports. Experts noted that chronic, prolonged skin inflammation can potentially increase chances for squamous cell skin cancer, which is more aggressive than the most common skin cancer. Another study has revealed that Chronic thermal radiation exposure from a laptop or other electronic device can cause a patchy dark skin condition called erythema ab igne.

A medical report several years ago found that men who used laptops on their laps had elevated scrotum temperatures. If prolonged, that kind of heat can decrease sperm production, which can potentially lead to infertility. Studies have revealed Laptop EMFs are very harmful to a pregnant woman and their unborn fetus. Therefore when using laptops in our laps, ensure that we avoid prolonged contact with lap or use Heetgon to prevent the mishaps to a great extent.

Many Mobile Phone users around the World have now reported a reduced hearing abilities, thanks to the heat produced by the Mobile Phones during prolonged talks. Clinical Studies with 60 subjects using Medical Thermal imaging (MTl) have clearly established that HeetGon reduces the heating in the Facial regions considerably, when talking on Mobile Phones tor longer durations.

Central Nervous System got affected due to the addiction of Mobile Phone/Tab




N. Sundaram, Agri Scientist, Agro Link, Chennai, INDIA

Heetgon Harmonizer is a great invention as I am enjoying its benefits for the last 3 months. I no longer have the piercing sensation in my ears whe ...

C.Govind, AT&T, NJ, USA

I Stuck 4 pieces of Heetgon on the back of my Laptop at the places where the heat was felt more. Earlier my Laptop used to develop enormous heat a ...

Robin Romulus, E Trader, Singapore.

Heetgon is a great invention and I sincerely feel this is the ultimate solution for all mobile related radiation and heating problems. I also enjo ...

Dilip Kumar, Express Star Teller, Chennai, INDIA.

Great product. Very useful to every mobile user and Laptop users.


How is heat reduction achieved thro HeetGon Sticker? Or what is the Technology?

Heat reduction takes place when the High Frequency and Low-Frequency Electro Magnetic Radiations are shielded effectively. HeetGon is created using a proprietary Technology - embedding permanently, a specific energy frequency over a surface quoted with a combination of select Minerals, which effectively performs to achieve significant heal reduction (80% to 90%) in Laptops, Tablet and Mobile Phones, besides shielding Electro Magnetic Radiation up to 94.8%.

How is HeetGon superior to other gadgets like Fans, Pads etc., attempting to reduce heating of Laptops?

Unlike other gadgets which are bulky and required to be carried along with you Laptop every time, HeetGon is wafer thing and is permanently fixed to the Laptop. HeetGon does not take power from the battery of the computer for its operation for the lifetime, unlike a fan. No risk of blocking the Heat vents.holes below the Laptop as may happen with a Pad. HeetGon last the lifetime of your Laptop or Mobile Phone. Because of high percentage of heat reduction achieved, users have reported a significant increase in the battery life and retention time in Laptops and Mobile Phones.

Why is Heat aspect focused than Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) in HeetGon?

Although HeetGon achieves reduction of both EMR and Heat, since heat reduction only can be realized and felt by the user and not EMR, we have focused on the heat reduction aspect of HeetGon, although EMR issue is also equally addressed.

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  • Chennai - 600 083, Tamil Nadu, India.

  • +91 44 42033766
